Saturday, August 29, 2009

Perez Hilton

Perez Hilton absolutely disgusts me. This "grown man" draws dicks on peoples pictures and talks shit about them. Perez is lucky that he only got socked in the eye considering the amount of crap he says. He needs to grow up and leave every one alone. Especially the innocent ones.

For example, Kristen Stewart. In Perez' eyes Kristen is a "twat". But the truth is, Kristen has not done one damn thing to Perez. He's just jealous of the fact she gets paid to make out with Robert. Its a damn shame so many people read his blogs.

Happy Birthday Michael Jackson.

Believe what you want about him but Michael Jackson was truly a peaceful and loving soul. He was and still is loved by many. He blessed us with his music and amazing entertainment. Its such sad thing to lose a great part of music history. But I know his music will carry on. He is the one and ONLY King of Pop.
He will be remembered by all.
Happy Birthday Michael and rest in peace.

My first blog!

Hello everyone! This is my first blog and I just wanted to let you guys know what im going to be blogging about.

This blog is totally random and you can expect ANYTHING from me.

I love music, friends, Twilight, movies, and swearing.

Also, this is my first and only warning. I am a major bitch. I don't care if I offend you one bit. I have my opinions and you have yours so don't judge me.

Thats it for now. Peace out!